Friday, February 7, 2014

Oh, the headaches of CC

I stopped using CC because of multiple reasons.  But I have been adding some back in slowly this week, mostly old favorites.

But here's a reason why I hesitate to try new CC.  Specifically, this one is a Cazy hair which is bugged.

In CAS the hair is fine, and pretty....

But once I hit in-game to get some shots... well, see for yourself.

It's like she stuck her finger in a socket.  :(

This makes me one sad simmer.  So, not only do I have to remove this hair from my collection, it makes me all the more hesitant to add CC back to my game.

On a side note if anyone knows how to fix this I'd be glad for help.  I'll be taking this to the sims forums too, for some possible advice.

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