Tuesday, February 18, 2014

NEW! Grayson

Grayson is a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath traditional home with stone siding.  This home is pretty basic, a good home for those that like to decorate and make homes their own but don't like or want to build their own house.

Grayson comes only partially furnished, and the furnishing that is there is simply to give downloaders the idea of the intended layout.  The only thing that may be worthwhile to keep is the kitchen counters because I placed them with build cheats.

The landscaping is also simple, allowing downloaders to customize should they want to do more with it.  The back of the lot is completely empty in regards to landscaping.  But there's room to add a back porch/patio area and any outdoor activities your sims may like.

This home has no CAP Patterns and no 3rd Party CC and there's 1 free store item, a tree from one of the free sets.

You can download Grayson and other creations by visiting My Studio.

Please remember to download and recommend.


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