Tuesday, March 4, 2014

New! Isabella

Isabella is a 3 bedroom, 3 full bath Tudor-style home on a 20x20 lot.  Isabella can comfortably hold a family of five, and is fully furnished and decorated and the price comes in just under 40,000 simoleans.  This home was originally built in Riverside, but not on any pre-existing lot in the town.

Isabella has only 1 3rd Part CC item, and it is NOT transferrable, meaning it is not included in the download.  The garage door needs to be downloaded separately from the house and is available at ModTheSims.info by HugeLunatic.

The only store items used, which are not listed on the item description page are the shuttered windows you see on the front of the house and the flower rug in the girls' room. Those items are only available through Aurora Skies.  All other items in the house are in the expansion packs.

Although this house is built with low-end appliances and bathroom fixtures, they have all been upgraded.  The house has been play-tested with a family of five to ensure traffic routes aren't blocked.    

Isabella and other creations can be found in My Studio.

Thanks for reading and please remember to download and recommend!

Happy Simming!

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